29 Dec 2010

Because you say Jesus...and they say Allah.

Mummy??....where is my mummy???...
Oh my God..I can’t find anybody...

I'm so scared...
What's going to happen to me?

Who are those men??...
Is that a dead body? ...
Oh my God …oh my God …oh God...

I have to run...

but where? ...
They're everywhere...
Why is this happening to us? ...
Why is everybody fighting? ...

My heart bleeds when I think of those people that live in constant bondage,
In a country that claims freedom
When I think of those families that have been scarred forever,
 Or was forced to convert, for fear of being massacred
When I think of that girl that was made to watch while her father was butchered,
and that little boy that could do nothing while his mother was raped.

Why do we fight over who the other person chooses to call God?
Why is there so much hate and violence because of Religion?
Who really has the right or power to say this is the right or wrong one?
Or worse still the power to impose this notion on others.

Whenever I think of Jos or Maiduguri and what happens there I get teary eyed, I really feel helpless cause all I can do is talk, write or pray about it...is this really necessary?....the killings?
I mean really...do we have to kill to get our message across?

My deepest condolences remain with the people that have been affected by the killings in Jos and Maiduguri.

May God grant us peace in Nigeria.

28 Dec 2010

11 Days Without My BB

"why cant you just put your phone down"  
"you're so rude, been talking to you for 10 minutes and you've stared at your phone for 7 of those minutes"
"why come to a party when you're only gonna stand in a corner and fiddle with you phone"

These are they kind of statements you hear or even say after being around a BB user for more than 20 minutes...we are a miserable bunch..no really -__-.  And God forbid that our BB gets missing..or our BIS(blackberry internet services) stops working...what???...its like watching a crack addict that hasn't seen crack in 2 days...its really madness..

10th December 2010. That was the day I lost my BB, I wasn't bothered at first cause it wasn't the 1st, 2nd or even 3rd time i had lost my BB, but this unlike the other times, was the first time I didnt  replace it immediately.

The 1st thing that made me hesitate was the fact that i had coursework due in a week, so i thought 
"ah well, its all good, I could do without all the distraction''
Then I decided to make things interesting, I wanted to see how long I could last without my BB. 

Day1-6: Wasn't too bad, I was very busy with my work so I didn't really think about my BB.
Day7: Ghen ghen...lol...this is where the problem began, that's when I realised I had not only lost my access to BBM , but I had lost Ubertwitter, over 1000 pictures, funny as hell voicenotes, my carefully put together play lists, and some contacts I would probably never get back..WOW!. That was a lot to take in at  first but after a while I got over it.

Day8: I started to get really restless, I couldn't reach people except my parents and really close friends, I couldn't tweet at will, and school had closed so I didn't have a proper distraction. I thought that was it...I couldn't do it..I was going to get my BB back...until...

Day9: YAY!!!..i got a new toy..the apple tablet..a.ka. the ipad. I was all over it..downloading apps, playing games, oh and i could tweet again...it was beautiful..i didnt even think about my BB

DAY10: By this time my friends started getting angry, they had gotten tired to having to DM me or email me or call the landline when they wanted to reach me..they started to pressure me into getting my BB back. I on the other was quite chilled!..i could go on for weeks....i didnt miss the senseless broadcast messages, i didnt miss people constantly updating their status' with proper bullshit...it was a beautiful world for me again...so sad that the end of my bliss was near..

DAY11: ..sad day this was for me...it was my last day of freedom. My friends and my mother practically forced me to get my BB back. They had had enough...so i went and bought the stupid thing (BB). Luckily orange was being fucked up as usual so they didnt activate the services till the next day.. I had one more night of peace :(...

And then it was gone...

The result of this experiment i carried out is for the benefit of all BB users out there..if and when you decide to break free from the bondage that is the blackberry, i want to let you know that you wont regret it. There really is life outside the BB..its true..i have seen it first hand. It is my sincere hope and prayer that one day, I will break free for good!

17 Dec 2010

My Christmas List

"i wrote down a list of things i wanted for Christmas
but it wasn't really a list as it was just one thing,
i sent it to my mother and she said
baby girl. i cant give you that, I'm not big enough.
hmmm..who's bigger than mummy..ah!..daddy!

so i sent my list to daddy
he thought long and hard...
looked speechless for a bit
and said with carefully picked words
err..honey..is there anything else you want?..
i got the message..

why couldn't anybody get me that one thing?
i decided to call in the big guns

so i sent my list to God..
took him a while to get back to me..
just when i was beginning to think he wasn't going to reply
he did...

my baby he said..
you know i can do everything..and i own everything..
and i have the power to give you this thing that you ask..
but don't you think you'd like this thing better if you know it came to you of its own accord?
i have given you freewill so i know you can make your own decisions..
but from my experience as the all knowing
i can confidently tell you that you'd love it better when its really your time to have it.

i can give it to you in a second
but because i love you I'm not going to
your time will come
and when it does...you'll call me up again and say thank you.
have a nice day my darling."

So I'm going to wait.

14 Dec 2010

Guest Blogging

I was looking at a blog a few days ago (a very good one i might add, i was so inspired by it, the writer is really good) and I saw this 'guest blogging' idea. Basically i just get someone other than myself to write on something and post it on my blog, anything at all that they feel like. I like the idea, sounds like fun, so I'm stealing it...lol..i hope he doesn't mind.
Don't know how often i'd be doing this but it sounds like a keeper...
hope it goes well.

GUEST BLOG: Number 1


I’m fat. She’s fat. Who’s fat?
I mean, I’m obviously not fat.
But how would you know that?
What is fat?
What size do I need to be for you to call me fat?
But my mummy doesn’t think I’m fat.
She says ‘You’re made in God’s image’.
Maybe God is fat.

Look at that one. Skinny bitch.
I know God is not skinny.
He can’t hold the whole world in his hands if he’s not fat.

I like that boy.
The one with the oblong head like Rihanna.
He’ll never notice me.
I’m 15. I’m fat. I’m a virgin.
But my reward is in heaven.

*Gasps* She’s so huge.
Why did Debenhams sell her that dress?
This should be illegal.
Her panties must be custom-made
I’m never getting that fat.
I’ll just have this last slice of pizza.
God doesn’t like people who waste food.

Omolola Akinseye.

13 Dec 2010

Nigeria or Naija

A few weeks ago my twitter was buzzing with news about how Nigeria's current minister of Information, Mrs Dora Akunyili is trying to discourage Nigerian citizens from using the word Naija instead of Nigeria, this is supposedly part of her "re-branding Nigeria plan"
What arrant bullshit!

In 2009 when Mrs Dora first introduced this idea I was sceptical, I thought "re-branding? re-branding what? shouldn't it be 'fixing'" . Anyway I let it slide because this woman is the minister of Information after all and besides she did such a good job with NAFDAC right? Maybe she just didn't know the right word to use.
I was wrong.

Apparently she actually meant RE-BRAND in the literal sense of the word, now my question is still re-brand what?
How is it that with a country like Nigeria and all its problems the first one you try to tackle as a minister is her pet  name given to her by patriotic citizens?
How do you re-brand mediocrity?
 A country where: 
  • there is no constant power supply
  • most roads are very bad
  • most urban areas have poor infrastructure and rural areas are still in the stone age
  • internet access is slow and unreliable for most people
  • security is non-existent: the very unfriendly police are busy extorting money from citizens while armed-robbers are having a field day; kidnapping is now on the rise across the country
  • a nation blessed with crude oil imports finished petroleum products because its oil refineries are in deplorable states
  • petrol supply is inadequate and the average Nigerian man is poor and suffering
  • education gets little attention from the government
  • corruption is now a way of life
  • a certain political party parading itself as the biggest political party in Africa is holding Nigerians to ransom with its criminal electoral stunts........
I could go on but I'd rather not...

Does this look like the description of a country that needs re-branding? or the description of a country that desperately needs leaders and citizens that actually have her best interest at heart.

Dear Dora, Nigeria does NOT need to be re-branded, Nigeria needs to be fixed.Calling Naija Nigeria or Nigeria Naija can not and will not solve Nigeria's problems.
I feel that when all is truly well with Nigeria or when she is at least on her way there the world will know, there will be no need to spend millions of naira re-branding her.

Till then I wish Nigeria good luck and I'll continue to pray for her.
Naija for life! :)

12 Dec 2010

Whose rule is this anyway?

A: you cant date your friends ex..you just cant
B: sorry i don't get? even if they've been broken up for years?
A: it doesn't matter.
C: yes it doesn't matter, once our friend dates someone, they date that person for all of us
B: WTF??? whose rule is this anyway??

Does this sound familiar? don't lie i know it does. 
I heard the conversation above a while ago, i think sometime last year in Nottingham, between a friend of mine and her friends, i thought it was funny and i didn't think more of it until i read an article about it recently, so i decided to write on it as well.
 When i decided to write about this i took into consideration that not everyone thinks like me, and also that there is no right or wrong way to approach this topic, so this is just the way i see it (and the way i wish everyone saw it too).

First off let me just say i think that rule is STUPID!, had to capitalise for emphasis. Exactly what gives anybody the right to say someone else is 'out of bounds'?. Now I'm not completely retarded so i understand that after a breakup there has to be a reasonable amount of time for both parties to heal and move on, after this time i consider both parties fair game. 

I once had a boyfriend who used to date my best friend, yes i know how that sounds but i am not the reason they broke up..(moving on to the point!). Before we started dating we were really close friends for a while and then things started to change, i panicked cause i didn't know how my friend was going to react to this, and i was dreading the day that i had to tell her. 
The day came anyway and her reaction surprised me, she looked at me and laughed cause i looked worried and then she said,
 "i have no problem with it at all and i see how happy he makes you" . After which she went on to tell me exactly why their relationship didn't work and that if i could deal with all that then i should go for it.

How amazing was that?

I'm not saying everyone should go and look for their friends ex and try to date them cause that's very sticky territory (trust me i know), plus not everyone is as smart and mature as the friends i have but if it so happens that you find yourself in that situation, as long as your friend is over that relationship you should be fine. Unless your friend is a selfish child, in which case i cannot help you...lol.

I personally see no problem with any of my friends dating any of my ex's, i don't even think i have the right to have a problem with it, but like i said earlier, this is entirely my opinion and i have no intention of imposing this on anyone.

8 Dec 2010

My 2010

wow..2010 is about to be over and done with. Is it just me or did it go pretty fast? oh well I'm not complaining.
Alot has happened to me this year and I don't think I can talk about everything so, I'm going to talk about the important/interesting ones.

MY FRIENDS: At the start of 2010 I had 3 really close friends, Boma, Koyin and Chimya. I kinda miss those times, we had alot of fun together and got in a lot of trouble together. Not long after I lost Boma (irreconcilable differences..lol), and then I met Omolola, Wanni and Mina. We got really close really fast, i loved them, they were almost as crazy and fun as i was. 
egglings at magnifique pre-party
egglings in manchester
We went almost everywhere together and it didn't take long before we got a name, yup I'm talking about "egglings". Funny story how we got this name but lets not get into that. Anyway the name spread pretty fast and people started to take the piss. I remember someone even opened a twitter account called "egglings_in_sheffield" with a picture of us as their background picture, deep right?.
 Anyway as expected they got bored and the name died, but i gotta say we had alot of fun with the whole egglings phase.

ELECTIONS ELECTIONS: Ah, another fun time for me, I ran for an ACS post, treasurer to be precise, i didn't win but it was really really fun, 3 of my friends were running for posts as well plus there was a lot of political drama going on at that time. 
The best part for me was the manifesto, i turned up without a speech (who knew people took those things seriously..lol) only to see my opponent with notes and flash cards...AH!!...good thing he spoke before me so i just stole some of his points, smiled alot and free styled it... i didn't do too bad though.
Anyway at this point my number of friends had reduced, one moved to another town and the other well..lets just call it irreconcilable differences again :). 
IB, Omolola and I at the manifesto
After elections came summer!!!!!!!
me at the ball..Stunning *wink*..lol

SUMMER!!: The beginning was fucked, i couldn't leave the UK cause the home office had my passport, and then the stress of house hunting...argh that was the worst. I don't even know how many times Omolola and i had to walk from one lettings agency to the other, such a frustrating process, when we finally got the house we  had to face the stress of moving, and then Omolola travelled the next day, leaving me to get everything sorted alone. Safe to say the start of my summer was pretty stressful. 
DAY 1 (house hunting) blundells!
DAY 2 (house hunting) still hopefull..lol
DAY 5 (house hunting) -__-

look how frustared i look..DAY 10 (house hunting)

Luckily it got better.
I got my passport back and went home for 3 weeks, i was so happy, got to see my family after a long while, my best part of going home that summer was the present my daddy got me. He got me a puppy. A pomeranian puppy, i named her lassie.
my baby lassie!..i miss her so much :(
One time daddy left the front door open and she got out, she was lost for almost 2 hours, one of the longest 2 hours of my life, i had everybody looking for her especially daddy, luckily someone saw her when she got out and picked her up and brought her home, although i still wonder why it took him 2 hours to bring her home, hmmm..what was he doing with lassie??? (^_-)
I went to see my grandma and great grandma too, hadn't seen them in years, i look soo much like both of them its freaky, especially great grandma, i spent 3 days in the village, i gotta say it was NOT easy, no bb services meaning i couldn't tweet or BB and my parents didn't come along either, it was almost horrible, but i had fun regardless.

2ND YEAR: wow 2nd year, when it really starts to count. It hasn't been bad so far, at first it looked like i was going to drown from all the work and things but thanks to God and Omolola and koyin  its all good now, we're obviously not done with it yet but i know it going to be good till the end.

That's been my 2010 in a few words. Alot of other things have happened that is either too long to talk about or too private but i gotta say I've learnt alot and grown alot this year, made bareeeee mistakes..lol...but i don't regret any of them.
To the friends i lost in during the course of 2010, I'm happy that at some point you were part of my life and i don't regret those times, but if i could go back i'd still make the same decisions i made.
To the friends i have now...what can i say.I looooooove you!!:)
....and then there were three! :)..(who's the cutie in the middle??..)

My 2010 has been very eventful and i gotta say I'm going to miss it but I'm glad its going to be gone soon. Cant wait for 2011.

2 Dec 2010


This gave me mental goose-bumps.....

I don't know who i feel bad for the most...

30 Nov 2010

The Reason for the Season

YAY!!!..25 days to Christmas and counting down. Cant wait, its one of my favourite times of the year.... or it used to be. 
When I was younger, Christmas was such a big deal for my family and I, we went all out, the big tree, the large, awfully bright decorations, the cooking, the "Christmas dresses" (that was my favourite part as a child), the hampers, and best of all, my whole family being together for at-least a week. It was something to look forward to, and then on Christmas day we'd all get dressed and go to church no matter what day of the week it was.
It was always beautiful, it was Jesus's birthday. 
As a child I always knew about Santa, who didn't? but he was never a big part of my Christmas, I loved watching movies about him and cartoons about him but that was about it, my Christmas was always about baby Jesus. Somehow I thought that was how the rest of the world saw Christmas, I was wrong. 
As I got older I began to see how commercialised Christmas had gotten, I say "gotten" because I refused to believe that it was always like that. I started to see that a large part of the world saw Christmas as a time to receive and give gifts and just that. Don't get me wrong that's one of my favourite parts of Christmas too but it goes beyond that. 
Its not about what you get or what you buy, infact its so sad that this is the period when people incur debts the most, i couldn't believe it, buying things you cant afford and going into the new year broke is not what Christmas is about, atleast not to me.
I see Christmas as a time to celebrate the birth of Jesus, I'm not even comfortable with cards that say "merry Xmas" , cause they've just put a large 'X' over the most important part of the word. 
I guess what I'm trying to say is however we decide to celebrate Christmas, let's try not to forget the real reason for the season.
Hope you have a lovely Christmas.

28 Nov 2010

Ten things about me.

Haven't been on this thing for a while now...got caught up in the reality of school..coursework and shit...ugh..schools sucks!. Any way i missed blogging so I'm back, as usual with nothing meaningful to say but whatever..bear with me...lol.
so heres ten things about me..hope you find this interesting

1. I'm peaceful. no really...i just love quiet places and quiet things..(sometimes)
2. I'm crazy..yup a proper nutcase. i like to think i could be the craziest person you'd ever meet *wink*
3. I love music.... with my heart and soul, cant imagine a world without music...gosh..
4. I'm nonchalant (koyin forced me to write this..). apparently i'm too lax and too chilled (like thats a bad thing..*rolling eyes*...lol)
5. I love to daaaaance!!!!!!!!!!...my favourite past time...(a friend said its worrying sometimes..lol)
.6. I love books. I'm dead for them..my favourite writers are Dan brown and some guy, i cant remember his now but he's really good.
7. I'm funny. Or i like to think i am and my friends seem to think i am too.
8. I absolutely hate embarrassment and embarrassing situations. That's quite sad for me seeing as i seem to get them A LOT! X_X
9. err..I'm out of things to say now....
10. oh yh..i forgot to say I am BEAUTIFUL..true story..lol.

18 Nov 2010

Because you were blood.

I loved you because you were blood,
but you screwed me over in more ways than one.
I forgave you over and over..because I was young,
but you threw that back in my face,I guess you were just dumb.
So I prayed for your death, no point in you living and me hating you, because you were blood,
Ha..how things work out according to plan.
Now you're gone and still cant forget you,
because you were blood.

16 Nov 2010

A lost Art.

Do you remember when people still used to go on dates?. Like proper dates where the guy actually made an effort to make the day amazing for the girl, and he'd pick her up from her house and be all nervous because he'd want the date to go just like he planned? ..yh I know..seems like a world away doesn't it?
What happened to those times, i mean I've had a conversation go like this one time:
                            GUY: ok you know what? lets go on a date
                             ME: (obviously in shock) what? are serious?
                            GUY: yh sure, there nothing wrong with being cheesy sometimes
                             ME: *hangs up the phone*

Now this conversation went south for two reasons, (1) cause i knew he was only trying to get me in his bed (but that's not the point), (2) cause he felt going on a date was "cheesy" and wrong. 
It seems with our generation everything is now fast tracked so people skip the whole "meeting and getting to know you" process and replace it with a few bb's and text messages or in some particular sad cases DM's and voilĂ ! you have yourself the 21st century equivalent of the dating process. When you think about it its kind of sad isn't it.

Don't get me wrong though I'm not saying you should pull out all the stops and fly this girl/guy to Paris and have diner on the Eiffel just cause you like them..(although that wouldn't be so bad,,lol) all I'm saying is it'd be nice to put a little effort sometimes when you're trying to get that guy/girl.

15 Nov 2010


If you have never lost
how will you know He restores?

If you have never lacked
how will you know He's the great provider?

If you have never sinned
how will you know He forgives?

If you have felt no hurt
how will you know He's the great comforter?

If you have never fallen
how will you know He's always ready to carry you?

You see not every misfortune is life being a bitch,
sometimes its just a continuation of the many lessons He needs to teach.

So the next time you're feeling bad or sad or lost,
take your self out of the situation for a bit and look for the upside
because it may just be God giving you the next lesson in HIS LOVE 101

14 Nov 2010

Happy Birthday Mum

Its a very special day for me..guess why.....oh ok I'll tell you................*pause for dramatic effect*...................<<<<<ITS MY MUMS BIRTHDAY>>>>>. Yes that's right its my mothers birthday today, for those of you who don't know today is even more important to me than my birthday. I really am very happy that God has added another year to her life and i will forever be grateful. Sad that I'm not actually with my mum today but i wrote her a lil something and I'm confident that she knows just how happy for her I am and how I much I love her.

For all the times you said to me "my baby i love you no matter what".....

For all the times you prayed for me, gosh where would i be without those prayers...

For all the times you let me make my own mistakes, wow how hard that must have been for you, too bad you have more years of that coming.. :).....

For all the times i messed up and you didn't scold me...and also for the times you did...

For all the times you held me close..and didn't judge or say i told you so...and you just let me hug you and cry..

For all the times you sacrificed things for me..the ones i know about and the ones i don't...

For all the times i heard you say "its going to be ok now mummy is here".. that's my best one because its always true...

For all those times mum i wanna thank you. 
Thank you for all those times and more, however difficult or easy they might have been.
I love you tres much.
Happy Birthday Mum!

11 Nov 2010

A normal post.

A little while before now i thought blogging was easy, i mean how hard could it be, sign in, write some shit and sign out..haha if only i knew. I decided to update this thing today yh, but then a friend said to me "i don't really get your blog sha, u have 3 posts and 2 of them are sad and weird". Ok she didn't use those exact terms but you get my point, anyway so i scrapped my original idea and here i am trying to create a 'normal post' and i am totally blank. I thought if i just came on here I'd get some kinda inspiration and magically have something to blog about, dont get me wrong my life is NOT boring but the things that interest me are weird and sometimes controversial. Anyway this was my attempt at a normal post, and i must say i learnt something, you cant force inspiration..lol...no really though. and just so you know this is my last attempt at a 'normal post'. I'll post whatever comes to me at the time.

1 Nov 2010


last night before i went to bed, i started to think about memories. Good ones, bad ones and sad ones. i thought about how lovely it would be to have the choice to erase some and keep some. But then the question of which one to erase came up. you see a normal person would think i'd say the bad  ones, but which ones are bad?? which ones can i completely call useless??.
in  the end (cuz this took a while..lol) i came to the conclusion that every memory is important. Good bad or sad. they are memories beacuse they are revisited..now why would you erase something you seem to check on alot?

so i wrote a lil something bout how i felt about some of my memories.


I lay flowers at your tombstone not just for you but me
to me remind me that your gone and you can no longer torment me

they dont understand, they think its bizzare
that i constantly revisit a place i seem to dread
they dont know like i do that every flower i lay down
is just another nail in your coffin

every step i take on the place where you lie
is a step closer to the smiles you took from me.

they seem to think i shld let the dead be dead,
they dont understand that i do this not spite you
i do this beacuse i must.
they dont get that my sanity is dependent on the flowers i lay on your gave.

flowers not tears.

i lay them at your tombstone not just for you but me.

31 Oct 2010

First ever blog

Wow, never thought i'd ever have one of these. Feels wierd, might take me a while to get used to updating this shit..lol.
On a serious note though i'm going to try to take this seriously, the first post is just something i wrote a while ago, kinda how i feel about death.
Oh well, you are welcome to my blog, i shall try not to bore you with my future posts. :)

A Welcome End

The end of a story.
The last page of a book.

These are all ends of things people love,
the difference between these 3 sad endings is that,
one is a theif and the others are contracts;
welcome ends.

A story comes to an end,so another can begin.
A book starts to end because lets face it, its just a book.

But death, she is the end.
The end of a life that once lived,
eyes that once smiled,
lips that once laughed.
The end of goals never met
dreams never lived.

The final drawing of the curtain.

But what if death didnt have to be theif,
what if she wasnt that big a bitch.

What if she was just like the book or the story,
a contract scheduled to end just so another would begin.

What if death was the beginning of a wonderful journey,
something to look forward to and not something to dread.

What if just like me you thought death was a welcome end.