21 Feb 2012

Welcome back Miss Retarded

To say i haven't been here in a long while is an abysmal understatement. I let my blog die...in fact...i was considering starting a new one...but well...i have too much history on here...ok maybe not too much but yh..you get the gist.

Anyway..back to business, this is a welcome back post, i want to wake up in 10 years..or 5 and know that a part of my history is documented somewhere by me and i can go and look at it and show my kids whenever i want and stuff like that. So therefore, without further ado...ramblings of a retarded young woman is back.

I'm so excited!

P.s Happy new year!! ...i know i'm late..forgive me. 2012 has been amazing...too bad the workd might end soon..just kidding...or not..