25 Jan 2011

Do You Believe in The Stars?

Ahhhhh..*deep sigh*....this feels gooood, (no it's not what you're thinking...oh you weren't thinking that?..oh..my bad...). Feels so good to be blogging again, I think I might have a new addiction.
Haven't posted in a while cuz of exams, I'm not even done yet but I couldn't resist the urge anymore..

On to the reason I'm here.

Do you believe in astrology?..that a bunch of constellations can tell us something of why we are the way we are and even predict our days?.
I did.
I've had an obsession with astrology from junior high school up until..last month I think.

Don't give me that look..it's pretty convincing...I remember how I fell in love with it, I read a book in my first year of high school that talked about each star sign, and its description of Libra (my star sign) was spot on. I was the libra the book described, and that is how the love story between me and astrology began and how I devoted the next 8 years of my life to looking up anything I could about Astrology.
I used to get daily updates on my phone, looked it up online, bought books about it, and the craziest part was that some of the predictions were actually accurate ( they weren't very specific though..).

I finally gave it up a month ago when I realised i had completely lost it, I had reached a point where I was explaining everything from an astrological point of view, especially people. It wouldn't have been out of place to hear me say "oh don't mind him, he's acting that way because he's a Pisces, that's how they are" or "sorry I can't help it, I'm a libra, that's what we do".I'm not quite sure when it got that bad but I didnt like it.

So I deleted all my horoscope apps and quizes and stopped all updates to my phone and un followed all the astrology accounts I followed on twitter..believe me all this took a while.

Anyway now I miss it, miss waking up to at least 2 text messages and 3 emails about my horroscope for the day, i didnt live my life by them though..i just loved having them around and reading them and having something in my horoscope actually happen, but I decided that instead of going back to astrology I'd just write about it and finally move on..hence this post.

A while ago my identity was "Faith Ahiaba, female, Nigerian, Libra."
Not anymore. These days I just stop at Nigerian.

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