26 Jun 2011

Everyone is 'bisexual' now???

Hey...been a while since a posted anything...lack of inspiration and reading better blogs kinda kept me away...but I think I'm back now.

A short while ago I was having a conversation with 2 friends of mine and they pointed out how everyone seems to be 'bisexual' now, funny thing was I had noticed it too.
It's like an epidemic in, some even put it in their twitter bio. I'm not even kidding.
That got me thinking.
Is being bisexual now the new 'cool'??

A couple of months ago an old friend of mine called me up and the conversation went like this.

Me: hey sweety long time, how've you been
Her: I've been fine o, ehen faith, I called you to ask you something.

Ah, getting a little worried, havent spoken to her in almost a year and she called to ask something??? was something wrong?

Me: err..ok..is everything alright?
Her: oh yh yh everything is fine, see eh, I'm in Lagos now, left port harcourt yesterday, I came to see a friend and we're going out tonight, but I want to do something different, I'm thinking of making out with a girl.
Me: are you fucking kidding me????

At the time of this conversation, what got to me wasn't what she said, I was just surprised that she called me up after so long to ask such a daft question, but after a while what she said started to sink in.
When did doing something different on a Friday night suddenly mean girls making out with other girls??
It's ok if you really are bisexual or homosexual, but it's not ok for people to do it cuz they think it's cool.
Half the girls screaming bisexual haven't ever had sex with a girl, nope, and I can bet my right eye that they probably never will, so what exactly is the point of this new movement.

There are people out there who really struggle with their sexual orientation and struggle with the fact that they can't openly be with or marry the person they love because they're gay and some stupid teenage girl is club hopping and kissing every girl she sees claiming bisexual because it's cool?
Its not ok.

8 Mar 2011

My thesis

I've been playing around with a thought for a while now...it's not proven and it's open to consideration and argument...but seeing as how the issue is highly subjective based on the person, and how it's about me, I'm the only one with access to these options.

I write for fun, and cuz it calms me, can't write professionally, I'm not that good, and to be honest I think it's stress and it takes away the appeal...I digress.

My thesis is this, I write better when i'm unhappy.
I started documenting my writing about the time I started this blog..and since then I've written a lot!!...on this blog and off too..but some of my best work(by best I mean by my judgement) were written in a unhappy or angry state.

If this is true then I'm screwed, my present state is happy...has been for weeks..frankly I don't want this to change but as long as this feeling lasts I cannot produce something that's good enough for me.....or maybe I should just learn to write in this state...hmmm


2 Mar 2011

This is just a rant.

Sometimes I wish I could just take control of the lives of some of the people I love and make some decisions for them, especially when they're headed the wrong way and have just blatantly refused to listen to you or be firm about their decisions. It really hurts, especially when you know what they're going through and how much worse it could get. But what ever..I guess not having this power is one of the things that make us human and make life a lil bit more dramatic and Interesting.

Writers Block

Seeing as how the title of this post is something I'm suffering from at the moment I bet this post is going to be crappy..so bear with me.
I've been incapable of writing a decent post for a while now and a friend suggested I write about writers block. Lovely idea I thought..but its not so easy.
What is writers block anyway??
At first I thought it was just lack of Inspiration so I decided to do something about it. I have a book called 'writers block'...ironic yh?...anyway it's a lovely book and one of it's suggestions was that I should eavesdrop on a few random conversations, apparently great books and articles were born from eavesdropping..
Hmmm..ok..I went to the library and gave it a shot...and wow..people talk about the stupidest, randomest things when they think no one is listening.

Any way I had a good laugh and went back home, still i couldn't write..so I went on a reading spree. I read blogs and articles and short stories,..they didn't help, they just made me jealous cuz I kept thinking "why didn't I write that"...or "I could've written that". So..I gave up on that and I gave up on trying to write. I thought "when it wants to come it will".

It's been days and I still have nothing, I'm not worried though, it always comes back, plus I'm hoping this post triggers it, besides you know what they say "you're not really a writer till you've suffered from writers block" or something like that.

8 Feb 2011

The £5 note.

Today started off just like the rest,
But today was a bit different, I'll tell you why,
Today I got to play a part in 4 different lives..
In 4 different ways.
Oops did i forget to say...I'm a £5 note.

I woke up in the beautiful wallet of a wealthy man,
I've been here for a few days now, not because he doesn't want to spend me,
I guess he's just forgotten that I'm here :(

Thankfully, he's pretty pregnant wife needs change to buy a few groceries,
So she rescues me from my lovely Hugo Boss prison.
Phew! ..happy to be out again, I'm really excited,
But just before she steps into tesco, she spots a homeless begger.
She doesn't usually stop or take notice of them,
I guess her pregnancy is making her more emotional than usual, she opens her wallet and hands him some bills...sadly I was one of them.

I don't like my new owner, and not just cause his pocket stinks, he's really not homeless..or a beggar..per se..
He's a lazy bum with a weekend job, and he uses his spare time (of which he has plenty) to sit in the streets and beg. I had to sit in this shit hole for most of the rest of the day :( ..(oh the things we bills go through)...wasn't too bad though, met a few new characters and heard some funny/strange stories..there was this particulary funny 10p coin..but that's a story for another day.
It's night time now, and my owner is in a part of town I dont like, been here before, but last time I was in a policeman's car, I felt very important you know *cool smiley* yh..I know what smileys are -__- ...
Anyway, I'm not feeling so cool at the moment, my owner is about to pay a hooker for her services, I hope he doesn't use me *crosses edges of bills* (I don't have fingers..)...I'm so nervous....
Oh nooooooo..nooooooo..he picked me :(

Guess what?....
I like my knew owner...weird right..I know what you're thinking, but she's really nice, she has 4 kids and 3 jobs but she's a single mum and can't afford to take proper care of her kids despite her jobs. So she's had to take up prostitution too...sad right?
We're going home now, she doesn't seem happy..no surprise there, but at least her kids are going to have a good meal tomorrow when they wake up.
I really hope I get to be one of the bills that make that happen.

My day has ended, pretty eventful right?..
Well that's what you get for being a £5 note.

26 Jan 2011

What are you looking at?

Sitting in the library right now and this girl has been looking..no..staring at me on and off for the past 30 minutes. I just told Omolola about it and funny enough this same girl did the same thing to her before day before.

Why do people stare?

I've never understood it. I get the usual *stare worthy* situations, like that moment when fate blesses me with a good view of that unbelievably hot guy, you can't judge me for staring then. But the person starring at me now is female, and even though it's arguable that she's attracted to me (wouldn't that be flattering) I must admit she has no reason to, I have no makeup on, I look a mess, been here studying for a while so I'm not even smiling.

She isnt staring in the polite way guys do...you know the one I'm talking about now...where they look at you, and then look away as soon as you look at them and some smart ones look around like they were just observing the environment and happened to be looking at you at the exact moment you looked up, She is staring in the weird *I know you can see me staring and I don't care* kind of way.
What is she looking at? What is it on my face that she feels the need to check on every few minutes?.

Oh look..She’s looking again...*sigh*

I wish I had a friend who stared so I could ask these questions, I wonder if it's psychological, just a deep inexplicable need to look at one particular face for as long as you can get away with it....hmmmm

Oh well whatever it is, if it isn't an attractive guy staring at me I find it weird and uncomfortable. Now proceeding to change my seat.

25 Jan 2011

Do You Believe in The Stars?

Ahhhhh..*deep sigh*....this feels gooood, (no it's not what you're thinking...oh you weren't thinking that?..oh..my bad...). Feels so good to be blogging again, I think I might have a new addiction.
Haven't posted in a while cuz of exams, I'm not even done yet but I couldn't resist the urge anymore..

On to the reason I'm here.

Do you believe in astrology?..that a bunch of constellations can tell us something of why we are the way we are and even predict our days?.
I did.
I've had an obsession with astrology from junior high school up until..last month I think.

Don't give me that look..it's pretty convincing...I remember how I fell in love with it, I read a book in my first year of high school that talked about each star sign, and its description of Libra (my star sign) was spot on. I was the libra the book described, and that is how the love story between me and astrology began and how I devoted the next 8 years of my life to looking up anything I could about Astrology.
I used to get daily updates on my phone, looked it up online, bought books about it, and the craziest part was that some of the predictions were actually accurate ( they weren't very specific though..).

I finally gave it up a month ago when I realised i had completely lost it, I had reached a point where I was explaining everything from an astrological point of view, especially people. It wouldn't have been out of place to hear me say "oh don't mind him, he's acting that way because he's a Pisces, that's how they are" or "sorry I can't help it, I'm a libra, that's what we do".I'm not quite sure when it got that bad but I didnt like it.

So I deleted all my horoscope apps and quizes and stopped all updates to my phone and un followed all the astrology accounts I followed on twitter..believe me all this took a while.

Anyway now I miss it, miss waking up to at least 2 text messages and 3 emails about my horroscope for the day, i didnt live my life by them though..i just loved having them around and reading them and having something in my horoscope actually happen, but I decided that instead of going back to astrology I'd just write about it and finally move on..hence this post.

A while ago my identity was "Faith Ahiaba, female, Nigerian, Libra."
Not anymore. These days I just stop at Nigerian.

7 Jan 2011

Not this again...

It was a few minutes past 12pm and I had just woken up, I said a quick prayer, switched on my phone and went through my usual morning rituals.
Checked my Bbm status updates..*yawn*...nothing interesting there.
Moved on to twitter..and everyone was talking about 21 May 2011.
As a sharp babe I quickly googled it.
The first words outta my mouth were "not this shit again now..ahahn"
What a way to begin the new year.

For those of you who haven't heard of the phenomenal event happening on that day (although I doubt such people exist now)...it is the day of rapture.
Yes you read right..some pastor said he decoded the date using a mathematical code in the bible.
Can you imagine?..

I took my time to read through it and that's when I got concerned, you see his facts where backed up by the bible, backed up yes, but not correctly used or even understood. Truth is, in the wrong hands and the right amount of ignorance the bible can be used to back up almost anything.
Normally I would've just tweeted about it and moved on but he actually had enough bullshit to confuse people. Any Christian without a proper foundation or a new christain still trying to figure things out could easily have been swayed by his argument.

Not going to go into what he's said, you can always google that, I'm just going say something to remind people that there is ABSOLUTELY no way..no way in hell..that a human being has..or will ever know the day of rapture before it happens.

The bible says no one knows the date, except God, not even Jesus.
I'm pretty sure that if after reading such a passage in the bible, a pastor takes it upon himself to try to outsmart God and decode the day of rapture that can be construed as a Sin. I'm really disappointed in this so called pastor..but then again..the bible say the end times will be filled with 'false prophets'

On to my point, we're only human and we all have weak moments, so whenever you find yourself doubting what you know about this topic, read Mathew 24 :24-44. That should re-assure you.

I promised myself that I was going to keep this short so I wouldn't bore anyone so I'm going to end on this note.
Mathew 24:36
But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only

4 Jan 2011


Yay! 2011 is here..all I can say is thank God! He really has been faithful.

Right, for the new year my resolution is 'no resolution'...wait..if no resolution is my resolution that means I do in fact have a resolution of no resolution even though it's not actually a resolution...
Did I confuse you?

My point is I've decided to tackle my obstacles this year as they come, no fore plan, nothing! Seems like it'd be more fun this way.

Well this is my 'new year post'...lol..everyone has one so I thought I'd give it a go...lame huh?..I know ..not my fault, what exactly do you write about a new year you've not seen before??...especially when you have no plan for it..ah well whatever!

Special thanks to the people that keep reading these posts of mine, I don't particulary take this seriously but it's always nice to have someone say they saw your blog and liked it.

Omolola Akinseye, my personal proof reader..lol..too bad she doesn't have a blog, she's a really goog writer.

Koyinsola Gbenro, she has one of the cutest blogs you'd ever see ..check it out little-drops-of-honey.blogspot.com

Mayowa Idowu, first thing I heard about him was how he's a good blogger, when I checked his blog I was blown away.. I cloulda sworn the guy was like 25..but he's not..he's about my age...he's a really talented writer.. You should check out http://Mayowaidowu.blogspot.com/

Chijoke Eke, met him on twitter, been really nice and supportive and he's got a blog too, you should check it out donfus91.blogspot.com/

And a host of other people that compliment and criticise the posts and those that post the link too..a big thank you to you all..sorry I can't mention everyone but I appreciate everyone of you.

Well welcome to 2011..hope you make the best of it.
I wish you a very happy and blessed new year.