8 Mar 2011

My thesis

I've been playing around with a thought for a while now...it's not proven and it's open to consideration and argument...but seeing as how the issue is highly subjective based on the person, and how it's about me, I'm the only one with access to these options.

I write for fun, and cuz it calms me, can't write professionally, I'm not that good, and to be honest I think it's stress and it takes away the appeal...I digress.

My thesis is this, I write better when i'm unhappy.
I started documenting my writing about the time I started this blog..and since then I've written a lot!!...on this blog and off too..but some of my best work(by best I mean by my judgement) were written in a unhappy or angry state.

If this is true then I'm screwed, my present state is happy...has been for weeks..frankly I don't want this to change but as long as this feeling lasts I cannot produce something that's good enough for me.....or maybe I should just learn to write in this state...hmmm


2 Mar 2011

This is just a rant.

Sometimes I wish I could just take control of the lives of some of the people I love and make some decisions for them, especially when they're headed the wrong way and have just blatantly refused to listen to you or be firm about their decisions. It really hurts, especially when you know what they're going through and how much worse it could get. But what ever..I guess not having this power is one of the things that make us human and make life a lil bit more dramatic and Interesting.

Writers Block

Seeing as how the title of this post is something I'm suffering from at the moment I bet this post is going to be crappy..so bear with me.
I've been incapable of writing a decent post for a while now and a friend suggested I write about writers block. Lovely idea I thought..but its not so easy.
What is writers block anyway??
At first I thought it was just lack of Inspiration so I decided to do something about it. I have a book called 'writers block'...ironic yh?...anyway it's a lovely book and one of it's suggestions was that I should eavesdrop on a few random conversations, apparently great books and articles were born from eavesdropping..
Hmmm..ok..I went to the library and gave it a shot...and wow..people talk about the stupidest, randomest things when they think no one is listening.

Any way I had a good laugh and went back home, still i couldn't write..so I went on a reading spree. I read blogs and articles and short stories,..they didn't help, they just made me jealous cuz I kept thinking "why didn't I write that"...or "I could've written that". So..I gave up on that and I gave up on trying to write. I thought "when it wants to come it will".

It's been days and I still have nothing, I'm not worried though, it always comes back, plus I'm hoping this post triggers it, besides you know what they say "you're not really a writer till you've suffered from writers block" or something like that.